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big girl!
written on 2003-06-04 @ 3:11 p.m.

Ok, we had our WIC appointment today.....we still qualified, even with the deployment pay, which is good, but geez, isn't that sad how little they pay the military, that we qualify for all these programs for low income people? We are eligible for food stamps when Kevin is home too (though we have never gotten them)

My daughter is huge, she weighs 25 lbs 12 oz and is 31 3/4 inches tall. Kevin was 40 lbs 3 oz and 40 1/2 inches and Dylan (The small big brother, lol) was 34 lbs 8 oz and 41 3/4 inches. They are all getting bigger!

Kevin called last night (well this morning really, it was 4 AM) and we had a nice long, static free for once, conversation.....the being away from us is really starting to get to him, I can tell, he sounded somewhat depressed, and he said he almost wished his brother would get really sick (his brother is a diabetic, and had been having seziures and has been in and out of the hospital) so he could come home....that made me want to cry, he must miss us a lot.Still no set date for the homecoming, I am hoping within the next three months.

Paulette called a few nights ago, and we finally really talked about everything....I am going over there tonight, she bought some wine coolers so we will be staying the night (which will be a little weird knowing that it was HIS house, you know?) and I'm going to help her go through some of his stuff....I don't think it will be an easy night, and I'm sure there will be a lot of tears (hers and mine too :-( ) She is still doing so well! She beleives that what happened, would have happened whether he was over there or could have been a training accident, or car accident, or anything, she says. It was his time to go, and nothing would have prevented it....she has a very good attitude about it, and says she know he died for a reason, she just doesn't know what that reason is yet. I do know that his dying prevented my husband and a lot of other guys from being put back on that detail though....

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