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written on 2003-06-06 @ 8:45 p.m.

Things are going ok here. I had a good time at Paulette's Wednesday night for the most part...we didn't get much accomplished, but we talked. A lot. We were up untill 4 AM.....we both had too much to drink (don't worry, there was a neighbor right next door that she is close to that would have come over had any of the kids needed anything) She is an amazingly strong person....doesn't blame anyone for what happened, and is not bitter about it at all. She is not on any meds...I do wonder if it will really sink in when everyone comes home...she said she wanted to be moved out by then. We spent a lot of the night looking at old pictures, and I finally brought her over the tape I made her...we had been videotaping the night before they left when they were at our house, and I had some of him playing with the baby.

We both ended up sleeping upstairs in their bed, lol....that was a tad strange, sleeping there, but I was so exhausted aby 4 and the boys were using her couch, lol.

Haven't been doing much here....yesterday I felt crappy after only getting 3-4 hours of sleep, so I really just sat around all I went out to walmart to get more envelopes (i've allready gone through 70, plus a few I had left in another box...I write to Kevin everyday) I am feeling a lot better about everything being able to talk to him once a week for awhile has helped a lot....I just wish I were getting more mail....he is writing, but it seems like the mail only goes out once a month, and I will get 3-4 letters on the same day that are 6-8 weeks old...he always has the sweetest things to say in the letters, and they almost always make me I guess maybe it is a good thing I am not getting them everyday. I will have pictures soon also, Kevin sent one of his disposable cameras back with a guy that came home early....I need to go pick it up, I am so excited!

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